Title? I Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Title…

3 Dec

So, I found out this morning that they make Uggs for men. Are you fucking kidding me with this? They look dumb enough on girls, but I swear to baby Jesus, if I ever see a man walking around in those fucking things…I will punch him square in the baby maker.

Girls, please stop making kissy faces in your pictures. It wasn’t cute then and it isn’t cute now. Neither is a snapshot of you kissing your significant other. Do you honestly think anyone wants to see that crap? No, we don’t. You want it there for all to see to remind everyone that you’re spoken for, and to reassure yourself that you’re not some lonely loser like the rest of us. And while I’m on the topic of pictures…enough with the trendy mirror poses already. It doesn’t make you look cool, it makes you look like a gigantic douchemonster.

I love Disney XD’s cartoon, “Phineas and Ferb.” Not so much for Phineas and Ferb, but for the ongoing ‘battle’ between Dr. Doofenshmirtz and Perry the Platypus. Shout-out to my nephew for getting me hooked, I’m now infatuated with the show…and I’m not ashamed to admit it. It sure beats the hell out of most of the things you see on television these days.

And now! I interrupt my previously scheduled post for my grammar and spelling-related rant:

  • I hate when people shorten ‘you’ to ‘u.’ Really? Is it really that complicated to just type out the whole damn word? The same goes for shortening ‘are’ to ‘r,’ ‘and’ to ‘n,’ and so on and so forth.
  • Please stop using ‘lol’ as your punctuation. Why is it necessary to end every sentence with this acronym? Are you really laughing after everything you say? Is it also necessary to send a text that consists of nothing but ‘lol?’ Thanks for wasting the two seconds of my life it took to read that message. You know what else I could have done with that two seconds? Yeah…probably nothing. But for real, it’s pointless.
  • For words you need to stop misspelling, please go read this. Please. For the love of all that is holy, stop butchering the English language.
  • Okay, I originally had a lot more to say but now I’m just bored, so I’ll finish this completely insignificant post later on. Probably not though. Take care now, bye bye then.

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